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this site hopefully always under construction

transcenderarts: contemporary arts infused with socially redeeming values...

site specific and general computer use policy statement:

the purpose of this site is to provide content...
form is always last on the list...
it is intentionally constructed in a utilitarian manner to minimize computer time...
look, digest and purchase, or not ...
the less time looking into a monitor is more time left to be looking into another's eyes, meeting another being's touch...

artists can take their personal sadness, or their anger, or their fears and crystallize them,
giving them a life of their own;
thus they are released from their emotion as others cannot be...
the arts offer the opportunity to do something that cannot be done anywhere else...
it is the only place one can express in public, feelings ordinarily regarded as private...

i feel the need to state that i am, [ to say the least,] not satisfied with any and all images on this site...
the constraints of a computer screen and the inability to do justice to the images of artworks,
photographic or sculptural, leaves me frustrated...
this is where the ability to visualize and adapt comes in...
do not confuse this explanation with apology; thank you...

all appreciation to lisa michelle for everything...

this site, as with all else, is dedicated to my son, thor, [ luke,] transcender...